Jamie, Samantha, Bentlee and TaTum

Jamie, Samantha, Bentlee and TaTum

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Growing up so fast...

I wanted to post these pictures of Bentlee and Tatum. They are getting so big so fast. For the first time yesterday I pulled only half of Bentlee's hair up. I have no idea why this is the first time I have done this, but in my opinion at least on her I thought it was a more mature look. I think she looks like a four year old with this hair do instead of my sweet little two year old. What do you guys think? Also, for some reason she is trying out this new awkward smile. Hopefully she will grow out of it soon.

These next three pictures I just added because I thought they were so cute!! I really can't believe how big my little Tater Tot is getting..


  1. They are too cute! I worked at the Penney's portrait studio, and I always thought that was one of the funnest times, when kids got their fake awkward smile. It's cute and funny.

  2. She does look like a big girl! how sad. Do pigtails =( Love them both.

  3. Your girls are such cuties! It really is crazy how fast time flies and kids grow up. I'm glad that you started a blog, it is kind of a fun way to stay in touch with people. We recently made our blog private, but if you are interested, I can send you an invite. I don't have your email, but if you email me at celisamz@gmail.com, I can send you one. Anyways, I hope that things are going well for you!
