Jamie, Samantha, Bentlee and TaTum

Jamie, Samantha, Bentlee and TaTum

Friday, May 17, 2013

Where is the time Going!

So Korver is almost eight months old so I thought I better get on here and write about the milestones she reached in her seventh month. 

1.  She can officially full on crazy fast crawl.  She is all over the house in a blink of the eye.

2.  She is standing all on her own.  Yesterday she stood up in the middle of the living room and went to take a step and face planted it.  It a weird way I was relieved that she didn't take her first real step.  I don't want her walking yet she is to little and she is my baby.

3.  She stands on all the furniture and walks around.

4.  She is finally getting quite the personality she laughs smiles and will say hi and mamama.  It is always three mamama's never just one or two.  It is so cute when you walk in and say Hi she will say it back.

5.  She doesn't have teeth yet which is a little strange, but I can see two on the bottom middle that have almost broke through the skin.  I can't wait for them to finally come, because I am sure they are causing her a little pain even though she seems ok.

6.  She hates baby food, but will eat anything we are eating.  I need to do a better job feeding her, but she really seems perfectly healthy and happy with breastmilk.

7.  This is a big one she finally takes a bottle like a pro.  It took a while and she doesn't like it very much, but if she is with Jamie or a tender she will take one if she gets hungry enough.  

8.  She sleeps clear through the night usually she goes to bed at 10 and sleeps until almost 10.... It is awesome. 

9.  She loves going outside and will try to escape any time the door is open.  

10.  She has crazy hair a lot of long whispy strands right in the middle of her hair.

11.  She throws temper tantrums, she knows what she wants and if you take something from her she will yell and scream....hahah super cute right....

12.  She loves her momma, but her next choice is always Aunt Rikki.  She can spot Rikki a mile away and will take off after her every time.  

13.  We finally got her to where she kind of is ok in the water.  She doesn't have a complete melt down.

14.  She loves to blow rasberries on everyone she thinks it is so funny, especially when you do it to her.

We love this little cutie so much and I am thankful every day to have her.  Major picture overload....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy u posted!! I was just thinking yesterday how much I missed her , how much she's probably changed...she's as cute as ever!
