Jamie, Samantha, Bentlee and TaTum

Jamie, Samantha, Bentlee and TaTum

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We had a great Halloween this year.. We started the week out with some pumpkin carving, the kids loved it. Bentlee made a little cat it turned out super cute she was so proud of it. And TaTum made a typical jack o lantern. She sat on my lap and would pull out the pieces when I was done cutting them. Then on Friday we went up to Enterprise for the annual carnival. My girls are still to little to really get into it. But Bentlee did make her basket. Hopefully she will keep that going and love basketball. Then Saturday they got to go trick or treating they both got a ton of candy. Here are some pictures of my cuties..

Bentlee was so proud of her pumpkin. I think it turned out super cute..

There huge bag of candy. They only went down one street in Enterprise and they ended up with all that candy.

My little Super Girl and Bunny Rabbit. Bentlee had to be Super Girl she wanted to be her so so so bad.

Getting ready to go trick or treating.

Bentlee and her cute little cheesy cousin Lincoln. I sure love that kid..

My cute little bunny rabbit. This costume is really cheesy, but it fits her so well.

Maybe some day she can master that crazy smile!!

This was taken right before we left to go to Enterprise she looks so cute.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Part 2 of catching up.

We finally took took the girls camping and we had a blast. It ended up being four fun days of playing in the dirt. I sure love my family and wish I would of taken more pictures.

Here are some cute pictures of my little Bentlee. Or should I say big girl Bentlee. She spends all day doing things by herself because she thinks she is all grown up.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am so far behind so I am going to post a ton of pictures and put captions under them. So sorry this is major picture overload.. First two pictures are of Bentlee covered in my eyeliner. Or should I say waterproof eyeliner.. It was such a mess I was so mad, but she looked so cute I just had to laugh at her.

Here are some pictures of my little Tater Tot I took some really cute ones of Bentlee when she was the same age so I wanted to try with Tatum it started out good and then it turned pretty ugly she did not like it in there at all.

This is Tatums favorite hang out , the bottom drawer with daddy's socks. I usually find her in there at least twice a week. And of course Bentlee needed her picture taken. Don't you just love how they are both in their diapers. I am not going to lie they usually always are.

I finally can put Tatums hair in big girl pony tails. She looks so stinkin cute I think. I sure love her.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I have been so lazy lately, so I decided to get off my butt and catch up on my blog. Bentlee got to spend a little time with her cousin Holden they were so cute playing in the sand. We sure love when she gets to see him. We also had some great family pictures done. I love my family so much. Enjoy some pics...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Believing Christ

I am going to do a little spotlight on a book me and Jamie have been reading every night together. It is called Believing Christ. We were asked as a ward by our bishop for every family to read this book and I am so thankful we have such a wonderful bishop that was inspired to have us read it. This book has really had a big impact on me. It is about believing Christ and not just believing in Christ. I never really realized a difference until we started reading this book. I recommend that all families read it. It is written by Stephen E. Robinson.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby Hungry!!

The past few weeks I have been dying for a baby it is all I can think about. I don't know if I should take this as a sign to start trying again, or if I am just secretly jealous that both my sisters are having sweet little babies any time soon. It is really driving me crazy and I am truly considering getting my IUD removed so we can start trying for baby number three. I also wonder if another reason for this crazy thought is the fact that I don't really have a baby anymore she doesn't want anything to do with her mommy. I just really miss the whole newborn experience even the no sleep part. One of my most favorite things in the world is getting up in the middle of the night and having those quiet special bonding moments with your sweet baby. I guess all I can do is pray about it and make sure I am not acting on selfish reasons. Maybe soon there will be some good news from the Rogers Clan, we will see..... Here are some sweet pictures of my precious newborn babies....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring Time Fun!!!

Yesterday was an awesome day!!! I set up the little swimming pool and they had a blast. We invited Lincoln my little nephew over and the three kids swam and ran through the sprinkler for two hours. When we finally came inside I couldn't believe how tan my girls where already. I am so jealous of their pretty tan skin. It was fun to finally be able to let my girls get out of the house for a while, they really needed it.

I am also adding another post to this one.. My little baby has seriously grown up over night. It makes me really sad, but it has been really fun the past few weeks watching her develop this huge personality and ATTITUDE!!! She has always been so laid back and chill, and now she knows what she wants and she wants it NOW. Here are some cute pictures of her playing with her big girl stroller. She thinks she is such a MOMMY!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Play Time

I am excited to announce that for about the past two weeks my girls have finally decided they like each other. They have been playing so good together. Today they built a little bed and they where both laying down pretending they where asleep. Then they would get up run down the hall and run back and fall back to sleep. It is really such a nice break not to have to entertain Bentlee all day. I am so glad her little sister is finally big enough to obey her commands.... Here are a few pictures of them playing. Please don't judge me on how they look. We have all been so sick, so let just say the girls hair has been neglected big time...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Family Fun!!

Yesterday me, Rikki, Austin, Darbye and my mom decided to get tubes and go float down the Virgin River. I have lived in Saint George for eight years now and have never even thought about doing this. Man was I missing out, it seriously was one of the funnest things I have ever done. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I think Rikki got stuck in every bush along the river. It was even a little scary at times, which made it even more fun. And the biggest bonus of all was getting a great work out. We had to paddle the whole time to avoid rocks, logs and bushes. I love my awesome family and I appreciate you guys driving down here yesterday to come and play with me.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mission Call

My little brother Austin got his mission call yesterday. I am so proud of him and love him so much. He is going to the California, Roseville mission. I had a hard time not being disappointed, because you always want them to go out of state and somewhere exotic. But my mature and awesome brother opened his call and there wasn't one ounce of disappointment on his face. He knows that is where god wants him to be.

Now onto one of the funniest things that has ever happened in my life. We pulled the best prank ever on him. My husband made a fake mission call yesterday. This call had everything. Jamie has his old mission call so he copied everything and stuck it in Austins fake one. It was perfect it even had a stamp on it and the church seal. So with everyone's eyes on Austin he opens it up and starts reading, he gets to the part where it states you will serve in the and he pauses for like thirty seconds, and says, "you will never guess where I am going." By now the three of us that know whats going on are laughing so hard and the other ten people that have no idea are screaming where where. So Austin keeps reading and you have been called to serve in the Las Vegas Nevada mission for thirty six months. You will spend ten weeks in the MTC due to the fact that you will be learning Arabic. This is a special mission because you will be serving for twelve months longer than most missionaries. You will be entering gods most vile places, Casinos and trailer parks. He finally throws it down and says, "You guys are freakin messing with me." I have never laughed so hard in my life. It took him about ten minutes before he would even open the real one. Best prank ever.

And even though he thought he was going to Vegas he was still excited. That is why I love my little brother so much. He is a great kid and even though I will miss him so much. He will be a wonderful missionary.